Entry 1: How to make double exposure picture

Editing photo with variety apps and software

1.Snapseed ( android apps )
  1. Firstly, I choose a picture to edit.

     2. Then, I crop what part that i want.

    3. Thirdly, i setting my perspective.

    4. Next, i change the filter into black and white.

    5. Click double exsposure.

    6. Then, choose second picture to put in double exposure.

    7. Put the text that you choose to exposure.

     8. Click darken to change the filter.

   9. Erase the dark side at the qoute picture.

   10. Erase the white background around the JB face.

  11. Click tune image to adjust brightness and saturation to matching justin picture and the          qoute picture.

    12. So finally its done.


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