Assalammualaikum and hello everyone,today i want share with you about step how to make a bunting.

1. Type of interpretive media ?

The type is printed and graphic interpretation.They got a lot example such as leaflets, publications, trail guides, indoor and outdoor panels and exhibitions.But today I want share with you about bunting.

2. Bunting objectives ?

Our bunting is represent travel agency operation.Our purpose is to introduce that subject and incourage more student interesting to learn about it.

3. Element in designing bunting ?
  • Microsoft Publisher is used to design bunting.
  • Font that we used are from Font Meme Generator.
  • The background we took a view of jetty and river.
  •  We use vector and png format for icon.
4. Bunting tools anatomy ?

5. Cost of printing bunting


  1. Thanks for that information, appreciate that!!!

  2. the image you post can't be display.. please update with the new one


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